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NIUS links art with

the different realities

of childhood

ara a NIUS

eixos de treball

deep art connects us from authenticity

Artistic-pedagogical project established as a non-profit association, which has been working since 2019 inside and outside the penitentiary area, fostering healthy, respectful and quality bonds between families, professionals and institutions through art.



PROJECTE NIUS ha estat guardonat per Departament de Justícia, Drets i Memòria l'any 2023 per la seva implicació i dedicació professional amb els serveis de mesures penals, de reinserció i atenció a la víctima.


Programa Set de Sons

"Presó i música en família"

we propose

Experiences through l'ART,

that has the virtue of making the impossible possible.

On la creació d'experiències artístiques ens connecten i ens fan reconèixer en l’altre. 

Validate the essential role of parenting in the balance of human happiness.

Validate the essential role of parenting in the balance of human happiness.

Experiences through l'ART,

that has the virtue of making the impossible possible.

Connect and build from the strength of the innate love that lives in the family essence.

Live experiences where we are all connected, where we can recho with the other. Living like what unites us is stronger than what separates us.

we propose

A l'espai escènic:

Escoltem i posem l'art al servei les necessitats dels infants i les seves famílies, validant i cocreant amb la realitat del moment. 


Durant l'espectacle, busquem que l'experiència col·lectiva faci el seu camí de connexió i harmonia, on les arts canten, es mouen i juguen amb la vibració existent.

Deixem que l'art innat floreixi, que inundi l'escena de presència sense control. Que alló imprevist esdevingui la millor situació, en un espai tranquil i segur, on hi ha lloc per ser i sentir des de l'autenticitat.

Treballem en10 Centres Penitenciaris de Catalunya (règim tancat i obert) 

què oferim

What we offer

quality - connection - experience - permeability - care - teamwork 


Shows, installations, events and workshops 

We produce artistic proposals  with professional rigor and where the needs of children are at the center.

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of social inclusion

We develop artistic creation projects, play facilities and family meeting spaces inside and outside the Penitentiary Centres.

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Trainings and presentations

We present in depth the experiences of the NIUS project and delve deeper into the role of art within the various social complexities. 

For professionals in the educational, social, legal and artistic sectors.


Expository and audiovisual productions

We create spaces for reflection where, through art, we transform realities and make little-known realities visible.

On tour


NIUS show

Immersive concert dedicated to the unique moment of the first 18 months of life.

A co-production with the LaSala Creation Center and the elPetit Festival



Living art taking into account the authentic needs of the baby, giving wings to its immense sensitivity and great perceptual and intuitive openness. 

Projectes socio-artístics

Treballem amb:

· Mares i pares que compleixen una pena privativa de llibertat

· Les seves famílies

· Professionals vinculats amb projectes de parentalitat


A tots els  Centres Penitenciaris de règim tancat de Catalunya (9) i a la seu de règim obert de Barcelona.

Neix de la voluntat d'enfortir i nodrir els Grups de Gestió de Responsabilitat Parental (GGRP) del Sistema Penitenciari Català, donant suport al desenvolupament de les activitats d'enfortiment i arrelament familiars.

Amb el suport de: 

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spaces of
family meeting

Meeting points for families who live with a prison in between.

Spaces where children's needs and care are the focus.

Co-created with the Parental Responsibility Group of CP Brians 2

 Des del 2019

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Creation of scenography inside the Penitentiary Centers

Internal fathers of the CP Brians 2 and internal mothers who live with their sons and daughters in the CP de Dones are part of the creation process of the NIUS el show, working collectively on part of the scenography.


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Penitentiary centers participate as venues for the elPetit Festival

From 2021, the Brians 2 and Women's Penitentiary Centers are new venues for the Festival, with shows and workshops scheduled, they understand that they are spaces with family needs.

A co-production with the LaSala Creation Center + the elPetit Festival + Management and Parental Responsibility Group of CP Brians 2

Edicions 2021 i 2022



Sound installation created within the social project "laSala 360º" with the participation of mothers and fathers inmates of the Brians 2 and Wad Ras Penitentiary Centers.



Reformulació dels espais de comunicació familiar del Centre Penitenciari de Brians 2

Assessorament  en la reformulació dels espais per on transiten els infants que van a veure els seus pares/àvis interns dins el CP Brians 2.

Codisseny i participació en l'acte inaugural.


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